Mixed wrestling videos
- Diana vs. Akos – 14′ – Finally, a real competitive fight, between a small, but extremely strong girl, and a big, tall guy! There is nothing else, just a real fight. There was no instruction for any of them. Diana is one of Hungary’s best wrestlers, she is so strong and is a very experienced fighter. So we just let everything happened: Akos fighted back with full power, but as he explained in the break and at the end, ha really had no chance against Diana. He was so very surprised of her strength and talent, he wouldn’t imagine at first, seeing Diana’s height and weight. He was short of breath, while Diana was fine and very calm, and could have continued the fight for hours. Real fight, real submissions, real pain for Akos!
We are very happy to welcome Diana among us, and for sure she will have more challenging mixed wrestling fights! - Diana vs. Karesz – 13′ – Another 100% competitive fight! Karesz is an outsider, he also applied via email. He was expecting to participate in a fantasy movie, but thanks to for some disorganization, what happened finally, is that we’d put him against Diana! He came as a real man, bringing chocolate to each girls, but left as beaten troop, with scars on his neck and bleeding eyelid. Actually, the video is kind of short, because at the 10th minutes, he gave up, he said he is simple not able to continue. We have to say though that he started nice… But then, longer and longer brakes came, and he was so short of breath, he had to lie down, he needed a massage… while Diana was so calm, and so conscious of her own strength. Anyway, Karesz managed to stay alive and stay in the battle until 13:23, but not more. Diana was disappointed, she was preparing herself for a very tiring, fiery mixed wrestling fight in order to give out of her waste energy, and maybe that was the cause what led to this fast end!
- Diana vs. Liviu – 16′ – Terrific fight with lots of headscissors! We thought that here is the time to teach Liviu what is wrestling. He was acting too much during the fights, he gained too high self-confidence, and his ego grew… So again, there were no instructions, except “surprise him!” – for Diana. So she did. She showed incredible headscissors on him, one after the other, even without releasing him. Liviu needs to be prepared for this second generation videos of European Fight Club: the girls are tougher then ever, and are not kidding at all!
- Orsi, Diana vs. Marcell – 20′ – Red with glasses, what can be any worst? A big beating from two amazons! Marcell is the real looser with his red hair, red body, freckles, and glasses. He had no clue what he is up to. He only knew that he will have fun in here. Actually, this day exactly is his birthday. He is a friend, told him to come, he’ll have very good time, with two beautiful girls. Obviously, she didn’t tell that a beating is awaiting him. From two. No matter if they are girls. Actually, it is worst if it is a matter of men’s pride. He didn’t even know what is a head-scissor or a head-lock, or face sitting – what Diana showed him for long minutes. Just told him to take off his clothes, his glasses, and go to the mat. Then Diana went on him, face-sat on him, without even thinking for a minute. But, Marcell had enough time to think under Diana’s bottuck. He couldn’t even figured out what had happened, when orsi came, and showed a beautiful figure four head-scissor. And it went on for twenty minutes, when the two attacked him at the same time. They showed no mercy for Marcell, they had beat him until he was breathless, and til he was k.o. at the end, so they could showed a nice victory pose.
- Diana, Victoria vs. Jean – 30′ – Two superior woman disgraces old, weak guy. We don’t have to introduce you Diana and Victoria. Two very fit, muscular, but feminine energy bombs! Moreover, they are friends, so when there is the time to fight against a guy together, they add together their power and enjoy twice as much to dominate on him, just as being very close to each other. As much as they are rude and superior to the guy, as nice they are to each other. Using their strong legs and all the mixed wrestling holds are a routine for them, and none of them has any issues sitting on his face for hours, step on his head, or choking him with a head-lock.
- Diana vs. Jean – 30′ – Diana face sits and face sits and face sits Jean without any complexes! Oh, Diana is so uninhibited that it doesn’t cause any discomfort for her to sit on anyone’s face. No, actually she enjoys it, and she corrects her bottom with her hands so she covers the other’s face completely. Very kindly, very nicely she chokes him with her butt. From behind, then from the front, with her legs, with her arms, but again and again, with her bumper. Because, that is what he asked for.
- Diana vs. Jean 2. – 17′ – I am sure you had missed Diana already. And I am sure, you had missed Jean as well :). Look at this young, strong, flexible and tight flesh on him, it looks like that he is using her for his own good, but the truth is that Diana is the one, who is taking controll of him, just like on all the other guys in mixed wrestling: let them do what she wants, make them smell her arms, feet and buttock, squeeze and smother them until they are completely in lack of air, taking them down to the ground with slow but very accurate movements, to get on top of them, holding them tight between her firm legs, and show them her muscular belly and her ultimate superiority. And all this with such a kind smile on her face.
- Diana vs. George – 17′ – Teacher Diana seduces student! Ok, he didn’t do his homework and maybe didn’t pay attention what Teacher Diana said to him, but should she punish him this much? Teacher Diana is in better shape then ever, her muscles are just swelling, and she quickly becomes angry when she sees the phlegmatic student, takes off her clothes and at first with a ruler, then with regular wrestling holds she hurts the little boy, accompanying with verbal insultation all along. Because of she is a teacher, she has power over his student anyway, so the boy is in a loser position from the very beginning, and this doesn’t change til the end of the mixed wrestling match, when he finishes even more disgraced.
- Diana vs. Liviu, Head Squeeze – 41′ – Head-squeeze in 41:26 minutes! Suppose Diana and Liviu are a couple. Diana just returns from the gym, finding her boyfriend doing sit ups, and telling him that she just had a special class of mixed wrestling initiation and learnt some very simple and effective moves that could easily make a man submit. Her boyfriend is very skeptical and tells her he has been doing a lot of wrestling himself and doubts she could do anything in a wrestling match against a man, arguing that even if technique counts physical strength is also of high importance in a fight. She answers him he’s wrong because as a man he’s only thinking of arms and torso strength, and not legs which may turn surprisingly strong with girls. To prove that she sits on the sofa, tightens her legs and challenges him to pry them apart with his hands, which he really tries but fails to do. When he finally admits he cannot succeed she asks him if he thinks he can take her thigh power in a wrestling match, which he accepts. So let’s the squeeze begins! You’ll see not only incredible head-scissors through long-long minutes, but some foot worship, ass worship and crashing ribs with body-scissor!
- Diana vs. Zsolt – 18′ – Incredible fight from Diana! Her way of wrestling just came to perfection: she dominates all the way, shows acrobatic figures, strong, precise holds, a big smile when on top, and very strong will when on bottom for that few seconds…
- Diana vs. Peter 1. – 15′ – The Knock-Out Contest! Diana plays a cruel, sadistic, cold bitch in this one-sided fight. She knocks him out multiple times with scissors, choke holds and smothers. Peter tries his best, but all actions end with Diana putting him dream…
- Diana vs. Peter 2. – 18′ –Â The knock-out contest continues, but things are changing…Â Peter is getting more dominative, have Diana submit a few times, and at the end, for all of our surprise, there is a knock-out, but this time Diana looses her consciousness. Peter is the one, who proudly steps on her defeated body!
- Diana vs. The Mexican – 17′ –Â The Mexican this time give a bit of up his arrogance, since he respected this new experience: Diana is such a trained and skilled wrestler that he was better to enjoy a fair, but still tough fight… The Mexican must have been proud to apply head-sissors on Diana, but he took the same from her as well, and even he was satisfied with the outcome.
- Diana vs. Sunny – 16′ –Â Diana hasn’t changed a bit in the last years, except that her technic is even more perfect now, and when Sunny is trapped in her holds, he doesn’t have any chance to get out from her iron-strong squeezes…
- Diana vs. Zsolt 2. – 60′ – Diana’s goal is to completely defeat Zsolt in 60 long minutes…
- Diana vs. Zsolt 3. – 62′ –Â The goal is to completely defeat Zsolt, carried out by Diana.
- Diana vs. Imi 15′ – Diana is more brutal then ever, thanks to her 15 years of wrestling and a couple of years of grappling training, she became simply a terminator, who enjoys destroying guys. Imi’s shouting is real, the fight is  competitive, however, of course, pretty one-sided.
- Diana vs. Imi 2. – 14′ – Brand new video with this amazon, who is only better with time! Competitive fight, and Imi is heavier then her and obviously not a girl, but that is all he can do against her…
- Diana vs. Imi, Handycap 11′ – This time we gave Imi some advantages that he can put Diana in a hold at the beginning of the video and after every submission, so each time she had to start from a handycap position. Unfortunately, Imi was so afraid of her and he was in so luck of skills that it didn’t even shook Diana’s confidence at all, but Imi was whining and crying every time she turned things…
- Diana vs. Leslie 15′ – Diana has found a same-size guy, who looks pretty strong actually, but this doesn’t mean that he has any chance against this pretty hot female terminator!
Fantasy and Erotic wrestling videos
- Diana vs. Sunny 30′ – Final Face Fuck – Diana is in her aggressive and dominative mood, and attacks mostly Suny’s face… with her butt…
- Orsi vs. Diana and L-Man – 24′ –Â There’s nothing Diana and L-Man love more than administering a slippery beatdown. Diana is a natural in the oil and L-Man is getting better and better by the day! With Diana by his side, L-Man knows he can and will succeed where everyone else has failed… that is, bringing Orsi to her knees! There is nothing L-Man treasures more than hearing that arrogant monster beg for mercy! Just to be sure they are in top form, Diana and L-Man slap on the liquids and have it just moments before the main event is scheduled to start. With muscles loose and bodies stretched, their resolves are unbendable… Orsi doesn’t stand a chance… Yeah, right!
- Diana vs. Sebastian, Sunny – 36′ –Â Diana is in her best shape ever, since she goes to cross-fitness training twice a day, lately. Her body is as hard as a stone, and not to mention her superround ass! Sebastian and Suny has indeed no chance, when she’s on top, they are literally not able to move her. It looks like that it doesn’t help that they make a team of two against this amazon!
- Diana vs. Sebastian – 35′ –Â So, the time came, when Diana’s fight turned in to an erotic mixed fight! She became more open minded or too excited, we don’t know, but quickly she took off Sebastian’s clothes and played with him as a cat with a mouse. Sebastian had not a single chance, he was under control the whole time, his arms and legs were twisted out, and on top of him, a muscled, strong, cruelly and coldly smiling domina! Diana has just played with him, played with his dick, until her victory pose showed an ultimate dominance!
- Bottle Battle 2. – 18′ – Part 2 of 4, in which Diana plays with Joey, with a hand job at the end.
- Bottle Battle 3. – 17′ – Part 3 of 4, in which Bianca plays with Joey, with a must have pussy licking at the end.
- Bottle Battle 4. – 14′ – Part 4 of 4, in which Diana plays with Zsolt, with a strapon humiliation at the end.
- Diana vs. Miki – 17′ –Â A sexy, hot and erotic fight, in the cold and self-confident manner of Diana, who has the dominative attitude in her vain, not to mention her face-expression and verbal humiliation… A quick hand job at the end, for what Miki was very grateful.
- The Levels of Suffering 2., Diana – 21′ –Â Miki is destroyed in one day through 75 minutes. Victoria starts the 4-parts saga, in MMA gear style outfit, to have a competitive fight with him. Then in the next part, Diana continues in the same manner. Denise is the third, in jeans, like a street fighter, and Zsuzsa finishes destroying him…
- Peter’s Defeat, Victoria, Diana – 11′ –Â Victoria and Diana against Peter.
- Peter’s Defeat, Diana – 22′ –Â Diana against Peter.
- Diana, Victoria, Zsuzsa vs. Joey – 17′ –Â What a man possibly can do when Hungary’s best wrestler girls team up to defeat him? Even if he is such a big guy like Joey. Maybe it is worst to build muscles and sweat in the gym every day to be a “real strong and good looking man”, then being completely humiliated by girls…
- Diana vs. Miki, The Mexican – 16′ –Â Continuing the Mexican series which main purpose is to ruin The Mexican’s and Miki’s dignity, in this video, Diana does a lot for this…
- Diana vs. The Mexican, Handicap – 16′ – In battle series of Diana and the Mexican, she starts each round from a handicap position. Do you think she can manage to get out and turn things each time?
- 2 vs. 1., Diana and Suzie – 15′ –Â Would you stand up against Diana and Suzie, who participate in wrestling videos for years, and do real martial arts in their spare time?
- Diana vs. Miki, Face Sitting – 17′ –Â While being home and fighting for the TV remotes, Diana is obviously the winner, completely humiliating Miki, making him kiss her ass, struggling for long in scissors, and even eat her shoe and, of course, the remote!
- Diana vs. Joey, Dick Destroy – 17′ – Wrestling and facesitting domination with Diana. But nothing is enough for her, so she smashes and hits Joe’s balls then just keeps pulling it for painful minutes!
- Tiffany, Diana, Athina vs. Zsolt – 31′ – The cute Tiffany, the experienced Diana and the sexy Athina give a lesson for Zsolt. They show him, that even if they are girls, they have what it takes to dominate him.
- Athina, Diana vs. Zsolt – 45′ –Â All two girls are out for Zsolt. He has to compete with each and every one of them at the same time to demonstrate his capability. Can he score against all three of them?
- Final Face Fuck, Diana – 31′ –Â Diana is in her aggressive and dominative mood, and attacks mostly Suny’s face… with her butt…
- 3 vs. 1. Suzie, Diana vs. Zsuzsa 1. – 32′ –Â The strong Diana, Suzie and Zsuzsa is up against the bulky Zsolt. In this match Zsolt is helpless against all these girls attacking him all together. Will he be totally dominated?
- 3 vs. 1. Suzie, Diana vs. Zsuzsa 2. – 33′ – Same continues in different outfits.
- Yana Baby, Diana, Suzie, Zsuzsa vs. Zsolt – 1’30 – At first Yana Baby and Zsuzsa, then Suzie and Yana Baby, then Suzie and Zsuzsa, and finally Suzie and Diana goes against Zsolt, for whom this is a pretty tiring day…
- Suzie, Diana, Zsuzsa vs. Zsolt – 60′ – The strong Diana, Suzie and Zsuzsa is up against the bulky Zsolt. In this match Zsolt is helpless against all these girls attacking him all together. Will he be tottally dominated?
Lift and Carry videos
- Diana vs. Orsi.b – 36′ –Â Two pretty girls in lingerie and with pony tails goes against each other! Orsi.b pisses of Diana, so she becomes cruel and aggressively lifts Orsi.b up, and carries her through 36 minutes!
- Orsi.b vs. Diana – 40′ –Â This time Orsi.b the one who pays back for Diana in her intense and aggressive way!
- Diana vs. Sunny – 16′ – Diana is one of our strongest girl, mostly if you look at her height. She is not to tall, but even able to lift a taller, muscular guy, like Sunny! It doesn’t causes any problem to lift and carry him many times, while talking to him in a very dominative way. Maybe Sunny shouldn’t have started with Diana…
- Diana, Denise Sky vs. Sunny – 14′ – The two D-s are having lots of fun, while doing some easy work…
Female wrestling videos
- Championship Diana vs. Ani vs. Roxy – 46′ – A whole day Santa event with very fiery fights! A small ranking championship held at an apt, participating Ani, Diana and Roxy – to find out, which is the best among the strongest ones of our team! Three fights in one – counting as one download in your membership: 00.00-15:42 – Ani vs. Roxy, 15:43-29:08 – Diana vs. Roxy, 29:09-45:50 – Diana vs. Ani
- Roxy vs. Diana – 21′ – A very competitive fight between two of our best wrestlers. Both Roxy and Diana are outstanding fighters, not only in here, but they are now known worldwide. Having a mainly mixed wrestling site, it is still always an interesting question, what is the ranking among the girls. Often a result of a female wrestling competition is not a stable rank, but more of the stage of the girls on that given day. Next day the winner might be the other girl – because they are equally skilled and have the very strong will to win. So let’s see who won this day?
- Diana vs. Linda – 25′ –Â A competitive fight between Diana, one of Hungary’s best wrestler, and an also old, experienced fighter, who just returned after years of break. An interesting, intensive, but unfortunately not so good quality fight.
- Diana vs. Zsuzsa, Bridge – 21′ – “The contestants wrestle by Olympic freestyle wrestling rules where the purpose is to put your opponent’s shoulders to the mat, say for a count to two. I want it to be a close contest where both opponents are in trouble several times during the match. By trouble I mean that one wrestler gets in a near pin situation and desperately goes in a bridge position to avoid the pin. Bridging is when you have only your head and toes on the ground and your belly is high up in the air. The important thing of bridging is to keep your shoulders up in the air and not touching the mat. When both shoulders touch the mat simultaneously the count is started by the referee and if the wrestler can not lift her shoulders quickly off the mat, for example by bridging, the count is finished and the match is over. However if the girl in trouble bridges and successfully elevates her shoulders in the air before the referee can count to two the match continues. If the same girl has her shoulders to the mat again the count is restarted from one. I want that the wrestlers can bridge for a long time, like a minute or more if possible. It is also important that the wrestler in trouble show agony and desperately want to avoid the pin. As I mentioned earlier I like it to be a close contest where both wrestlers get into trouble several times during the match and needs to bridge for longer periods of time to avoid being pinned. The end of the match should come after one girl has been in a bridge position for a very long time so she is really exhausted.”
- Training Camp 1. – 20′ – 4 of our best girls in a 4-days Training Camp! Watch this clip to have an idea how hard these amazons train to be the best female and mixed wrestlers in this country and even in Europe, and to be the best session wrestlers!
- Training Camp 2. – 24′ –Â In this clip there is basically a full Suzie vs. Diana fight, then they got some boxing lessons from Kyra.
- Roxy vs. Diana, Tickling – 30′ –Â Roxy and Diana take a rest from the competitive side of wrestling. In this video they wrestle and try to catch each other off guard to give the opponent a good tickle. They wrestle they laugh.
- Orsi.b vs. Diana, Tickling – 43′ –Â This custom-made video is a tickling fight between Orsi.b and Diana, and when Diana dominates in first part, submitting and tickling Orsi.b very hard, you can’t resist laughing with her either. On the second part, things turn upside down, however…
- Diana vs. Zsuzsa, Tickling – 30′ –Â The rule is to apply regular wrestling holds in order to be able to pin down and tickle the other. Lots of submissions and laugh!
- Zsuzsa vs. Diana 15′ – Bridge – Two sexy and fit girls wrestles, but the rule is to pin one down and the other has to go up high in bridge to be able to lift her shoulder up from ground.
- Orsi.b vs. Diana 40′ – Tickling – This custom-made video is a tickling fight between Orsi.b and Diana, and when Diana dominates in first part, submitting and tickling Orsi.b very hard, you can’t resist laughing with her either. On the second part, things turn upside down, however…
- Diana vs. Zsuzsa 30′ – Tickling – The rule is to apply regular wrestling holds in order to be able to pin down and tickle the other. Lots of submissions and laugh!
- Secret Agents Battle, Diana vs. Nikky Thorne 30′ – 2 Secret Agents meet and built up a fight very slowly, with lots of sensual movement, strength tests, some rolling, but all of witch to lead for a very erotic sex fight, when they both come at the end…